What is Resilience?
Your ability to adapt to, prepare for and bounce back from stressful situations.
We are all aware that stress affects our health, our relationships and our performance at work and home. However, we have the capacity to self-regulate thoughts, emotions and behaviors. Transforming our focus, intentions, habits and behaviors creates resilience allowing us to bring the best version of ourselves forward. It is a fact that our ability to manage our emotional state, our emotional intelligence, has more to do with our success and happiness than does our knowledge and intelligence.
How can I help you with this process?
We will work together to build resilience by utilizing scientifically proven tools by HeartMath®. These self-regulation techniques create awareness, a greater capacity to choose your response to life, and positively impact your relationships, physiology and performance at home and work.
Through multiple sessions, by phone, you will empower yourself to overcome habits and behaviors that drain your personal energy. You will attain a higher degree of emotional self-regulation allowing yourself to live more mindfully. These self-regulation techniques will empower you to be the best version of yourself. Are you ready to take ownership and assume personal power, feel better, boost your performance and refine your communication skills? I’m here to help. Contact me.
What you will learn:
- To take ownership and assume personal power so you can respond consciously and purposefully to life's challenges.
- How to become adaptable and better prepared for stressful situations.
- To understand the relationship between emotions, stress, performance and health.
- To recognize and disengage from the negative impact stress has on the body and mind.
- To increase resilience, vitality and an overall sense of well-being.
- To achieve clearer perspectives in difficult situations.
- To revitalize relationships.
- Increase resourcefulness and deal with situations from a more emotionally balanced perspective.
- Mental clarity and focus.
"Your life is personal to you and it's up to you to influence your own value
and sense of well-being."
HeartMath is a registered trademark of Quantum Intech, Inc. For all HeartMath trademarks, go to www.heartmath.com/trademarks.